Face Cream For Men: 6 Reasons you Should Start Using a Face Cream Today

Face Cream For Men: 6 Reasons you Should Start Using a Face Cream Today

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Skin care is no longer a woman’s thing. If you still perceive skin care regimens to be a feminine thing, it’s time to change that perception. Your woman might actually be wondering how to tell you to take care of your skin because it might be too rough, full of pimples or blemishes.

True, you might not have learned how to take care of your skin when growing up, but times have changed. It might be intimidating at first, but you’d don’t have to go too hard when it comes to skin care. You can start by using a simple face cream for men to improve your appearance.

Why men should use face creams

Makes you more attractive

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Attractive skin does not come magically. Most people with skin with good looking skin take the effort to make it appear so.Taking care of your skin can reduce blemishes, acne, or the appearance of scars. Skin care regimens can make your skin smoother and completely fade away dark spots.The right remedy can also brighten, clear up acne and smoothen your skin. If you want the ladies to start turning their heads whenever you happen to pass by, start taking care of your skin today and you’ll notice the difference.

To keep your skin looking younger

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Applying a face cream can make you look younger than you are by making you look 10 or more years younger. Some skin care creams contain antiaging properties that make your skin suppler making it appear plumper. Some products also stimulate collagen which is essential for giving way for newer and fresher skin. From time to time, your skin needs to shed the old cells to give way for newer ones hence the need for skin care products. If you have fines lines and wrinkles, you might find that taking care of your skin can help reduce them or avoid them from appearing.

Makes you look responsible

Bad-looking skin might depict neglect and carelessness. Your skin’s condition is the first thing that someone notices when they look at you. A good cream can dramatically improve your appearance which might show that you take time to look good. Not using a face cream, on the other hand, can make your skin appear lousy a thing that might display neglect.

A woman might feel safe to date or get married to a man who takes care of his skin because it depicts responsibility. If you take time to give your skin some TLC, you will be portraying a character of being a good partner.

Protection against sun damage

The sun is essential for the synthesis of vitamin D. Vitamin D helps to absorb calcium which is vital to the growth of healthy bones. Calcium is especially crucial for growing kids and older citizens as it prevents osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a condition where the bones become too weak and brittles and, therefore, prone to breaking even after simple falls.

As important as the sun is, it can sometimes have some adverse effects on the skin.  The sun contains UVB and UVA that can be harmful to the skin. Harmful sun rays can cause;

  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Certain types of skin cancer
  • Premature aging of the skin
  • Sunburns

It’s therefore essential to use sunscreen lotions or creams that contain SPF or sun protection factor. A quality face cream for men that works well is the Facial Fuel SPF 15 Energizing Moisture Treatment for Men. The cream does the following for your skin;

  • Revitalizes
  • Moisturizes
  • Re-energizes
  • Refuels
  • Protects

The non-oily cream is rich in vitamins and antioxidants that protect your skin against sun and environmental damage. The moisturizer also accelerates recovery from skin damage leaving your skin looking and feeling invigorated.

Make you look healthy

Good skin is an indicator of good health. When you’re dehydrated, malnourished or tired, your skin will be the first one to tell you that you need to give it some attention.

It, therefore, pays to apply a face cream which can make you more attentive to your skin’s condition at all times. Paying close attention to the changes in your skin can help you realize when it’s time to see a doctor to rule out a severe disease.

Moisturizes your skin

Every day, your skin is prone to harmful pollutants from the environment. Sun exposure and sweating draws out moisture from your skin, which leaves it looking dry and flaky. Dry skin tends to accentuate the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Applying hydrating serums and moisturizing creams and lotions can leave your skin supple. The serums, lotions, and creams work by adding moisture to dry areas, wrinkles, and fine lines, making it look fuller and hydrated.Besides applying face creams, incorporate the following to make give you better-looking skin;

  • Drink 2 liters of water as it helps your skin stay hydrated. Aim to drink more if you like in the tropics or dry areas.
  • Avoid oily and deep-fried foods as the oil will end up on your skin clogging your skin pores
  • Always wear a wide-brimmed hat whenever you’re out in the sun to protect your face from sun damage. Always remember to apply sunscreen even when wearing a hat.
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables as they contain antioxidants and fiber that helps excrete waste products

Leave common misconceptions about which gender should take care of their skin in the 20s. Start applying face cream for men today and begin noticing a younger, moisturized and healthy looking skin. The creams can also make you more attractive, and responsible.

Get Rid Of  Acne Scars With Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment.

Acne is the skin condition that happens when the hair follicles get plugged with dead skin cells and oil. It is a skin condition that can ruin your appearance entirely because they tend to leave scars behind. However, with the advancement in technology, you don’t have to worry much since there is a professional CO2 laser resurfacing treatment for those acne scars known as the fractional Co2 laser.

The fractional Co2 laser is a non-surgical treatment for acne scarring, and it is one of the latest advancement that has the longest wavelength among the rest of the lasers on the market. It only treats the affected portion of skin, and leaves the rest of the healthy skin that is surrounding the area intact, hence promoting faster healing of skin tissues and stimulates the production of collagen. The treatment is conducive to all skin types.

How Does the Procedure Work?

The fractional CO2 laser resurfacing makes tiny microscopic holes into the deeper layers of the skin. The procedure enables the degeneration of healthy, new collagen that smoothens acne scars. The results of Fractional CO2 medication will be noticed as early as within one week as the acne scars will start improving. The improvements following the initial treatment of acne scarring will proceed for up to six months. The healing of the acne scarring is approximately 30-70% after one treatment, although the outcome varies by the patient. Some patients only need one treatment to attain the desired improvement.


What Happens After the Procedure?

After Fractional Co2 laser medication is performed, the client may go home immediately since the treatment works on an out-patient basis. Patients are advised to clean the treated area 2- times per day with cool tap water of dilute vinegar solution and then apply an ointment. Taking care of the treated area helps to avoid the formation of a scab.

After the acne scarring has healed up, use an oil-free makeup to help camouflage the pink to red color which is usually noticed after the Fractional CO2 laser resurfacing. The redness in the area is expected to start fading away after two weeks. It may also disappear entirely after one month. Those with a fairer skin tone tend to have persistence redness than the other patients. Patients with a dark skin tone have a high risk of healing with dark pigmentation, but it can be minimized using a bleaching agent both before and after the treatment.

Other Uses of Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment;

The medication is usually used when someone needs an effective and long-lasting treatment. Apart from acne scars, the medications can also be used on;


Facial scars

Fine lines

Dark Spots

Sun damage

Skin texture irregularities

Benefits of Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment.

It ensures effective and safe treatments for almost every kind of skin types.

It stimulates the body’s natural process of the renewal of collagen in the skin

The treatment gives individualized results since your doctor has the power to control the intensity of the medication.

Fractional CO2 laser treatment offers accelerated healing due to the targeted precision treatment.

Also, it gives an adjustable treatment to meet the client’s specific needs and the desired recovery downtime.

As the latest advanced kind of laser treatment, Fractional CO2 Laser is effective for the treatment of acne scars. Apart from this, it is also used to treat other skin conditions as mentioned above. If you are interested in Fractional Laser CO2 as a beauty treatment, kindly contact Premier-Clinic.com to get the best service with professional therapists.

5 Reasons Why People Prefer Non-Invasive Beauty Treatments


Our skin is one of the most significant organs in our body. Many cosmetic brands understand this and focus on providing safe products for everyone to ensure. Here are some of the reasons many consumers prefer more reliable and non-invasive beauty treatments.

1. It is safer than surgical treatments

Full cosmetic surgery is performed by professionals. Unfortunately, there are also other internal and external factors that could result in a risky surgery. For example, the risk of infection can be high when undergoing cosmetic surgery.

Therefore, always consider your safety when choosing beauty treatments. And, experts also suggest that non-invasive surgeries are still the safe answer. Get the best results with the lesser risks when it comes to your beauty and health. More importantly, start with a healthy and safe choice.

2. It’s affordable

If you are considering whitening treatments, there are a lot of accessible and clinically tested skin clarity creams. According to Crystal Tomato, the most effective way to have a clearer whitening skin is to use specialized cosmeceutical formula to get a clearer healthier skin.

Whiter and clearer skin are just some of the results for a beautiful glowing skin. It’s also important to whiten dark spots. To do this, preventing melanin spots formation is crucial and that’s what effective clarity creams provide.

3. No recovery time need

Aside from potential complications, invasive surgery also requires recovery time. With non invasive beauty supplements, you won’t need this. You’ll even become more active as you see the results.

We all know that it’s vital to protect our skin. You can do this by making sure that you use not only the best products, but those that are kind to your skin too.

4. No risk compared to surgical treatments

There are a lot of preparations when it comes to surgical methods and processes. However, again, unprecedented complications may still occur, which could mean it could be riskier for you.

Therefore, it is highly recommended that everyone should always choose the safer choice. Using efficient products are still a go-to when it comes making sure that you get radiant skin.

Aside from this, most products purchased from Crystal Tomato online also provide an all-in-one protection. This means that it also protects your skin from a range of UVA/B lights which can be harmful to our skin.

5. Subtle results and transition

A natural and subtle process is still the best way to go. You don’t want drastic changes to appear just in a short time. With this, products that containing carotenoids can be the best choice for a glowing and protected skin.

Protect and transition to a healthier looking skin with the best cream and supplement in the market now. Make sure to follow the application and usage process to get the best results.

Start your way to a glowing and healthier you now. Crystal Tomato has the right formula for everyone’s skin. Try it for yourself and never settle for less.

Top 4 Penis Enlargement Procedures To Try In Malaysia


A lot of men, including Malaysian men, with average-sized penises express that they’d like to have bigger ones. Which is not that surprising, considering how the media constantly portrays men with larger penises as being more masculine and manly. The penis enlargement industry itself is worth multi-billion dollars globally, indicating that the products are always in high demand, regardless of its effectiveness.

Every year, there will always be some medical organizations that claim they’ve found the best and the most effective procedures for penis enlargement. In Malaysia, there are several penis enlargement procedures available; some of them are safe and legal, while others are not. Check out these four penis enlargement procedures to consider:

  1. Penis surgeries

There are two types of penis surgeries: penis length surgery and penis girth surgery. The first one involves cutting the attached ligament of the penis and skin grafting at the penis’ base to add length to the penis. The average length (flaccid) that can be achieved through this procedure is around 2cm. The second one involves the injection of fat (taken from other parts of your body) into the penis. An increase of 1cm-4cm in circumference can be expected through this procedure. If you’re interested in getting penis enlargement injections in Malaysia, make sure to find out about the possible complications. Since these types of treatments are meant for cosmetic purposes, they are most likely to be available at private medical or beauty centers.

  1. Liposuction

For those with large guts or men who are overweight, undergoing a liposuction could make the penis appear bigger. The surgical procedure involves removing the excess fat under the abdomen and near the pubic area. This will allow for the buried penis to be more visible and prominent. With this procedure, you’ll gain at least 2cm in penis length. However, this will only last for a short term if you put on weight again. The procedure can be sought at public or private medical centers, though you’d need to consult with medical professionals first.

  1. Traction device for penis enlargement

Traction device should be use with extra caution when you’re trying to extend the size of your penis. The devices might work best for men with small penis. If used consistently for six months, an increase of 1cm-2cm in penis size is noticeable. To use this treatment effectively and safely, do so under the supervision of a doctor.

  1. Penile implants

This type of procedure is an option for men who suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED) and Peyronies disease. The prosthesis or devices come in two types: inflatable or malleable (bendable) which are surgically implanted within the body. The surgery is permanent and complex, taking between one to two hours to complete. Access to this type of procedure is often restricted to ED sufferer,s that are unlikely to recover naturally, or show improvement from other types of treatment. The procedure is available at hospitals and private medical centers.



Prior to undergoing any procedure, make sure you consult with a health professional to determine which procedure is best for you, based on your condition and needs. Another alternative to these procedures are exercises. Certain exercises, such as stretching, kegel, or weightlifting, help to increase the girth and length of your penis naturally. If you have the time and patience, consider doing these exercises on a regular basis for several months until you start seeing visible results.

Want To Grow A Fuller And Thicker Beard? Top Essentials About Beard Transplant



You may have come across the quote–“Man without a beard is like a lion without a mane.” This simply means that a lion without a mane has lost its purpose, just like a man unable to grow a beard. It’s because of reasons like this that most people are considering taking the surgical route to spruce up their facial hair beauty. In fact, many men are getting rid of their baby face look, because growing a glorious beard is sometimes seen as a sign of masculinity. The procedure has also gradually become a global craze.  Below is a summary of the top essentials of a beard transplant surgery.

Low Maintenance

The new artificial beard you get after surgery is usually very manageable. It looks like a naturally-grown beard, although this time you’re not required to use any special product to maintain its volume. A beard transplant is also a onetime process. This simple fact relieves you from frequently visiting the doctor, contrary to many procedures that require you to go back several times to maintain it.

Cost Effective

You might be thinking, “How is a beard transplant surgery cost effective?” First, costs of other treatments may appear small, but they never end. Second, you pay for your beard transplant costs only once, which make it more budget friendly than in most procedures. And to top it all, your transplanted beard lasts a lifetime, which makes the cost worthwhile. If you want a great and permanent solution for your beard-growing problems, consider beard transplantation.

Natural Process

Some people are skeptical about hair implants because they think of it as a hazardous and an unsafe procedure. According to skin experts, hair transplants are quite safe and natural. A patient isn’t exposed to major wounds, and they experience no pain at all. This means the moment you wish to have an artificial beard, you’re sure no special substances will be used to harm your skin. In fact, the end results are terrific that many people won’t be able to tell whether you had a beard transplant or not.

Stop Balding

After your new beard is fixed, your worry of ever experiencing any hair related issues will be long gone. The results acquired from a beard transplant surgery are highly effective, and you’re unlikely to see balding again. Also, your confidence around people will get a boost, because you’ll be bringing  your new, attractive, and youthful look. Which is a legitimate reason to get beard transplant surgery now.



Above are some of the top essentials  when getting a beard transplantation. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is among the fastest growing cosmetic treatments for those who want to regain a full, thick beard transplant. The process involves carefully fixing together of follicular units to a full layer of artificial beard. In this treatment, you don’t have to worry about getting ugly scars, and you should expect fast recovery than in most treatments.



If you reside, or are thinking of undergoing a beard transplant in Malaysia, there are highly competent and authorized

FUE surgeons to get your beard transplant ready. One of them is Dr Chen Tai Ho. For a safe and effective surgery for a glorious beard, simply contact Dr Chen Tai Ho today!

Makeup Tips For Beginners: 10 Basic Things You Must Have In Your Beauty Kit

Just starting to wear makeup? For first-time makeup users, it can be daunting when faced with so many makeup products at once. Start with the basics. As you get used to wearing makeup, you can then progress to other more advanced makeup products. These are the 10 basic things you must have first:

  1. Moisturiser Pick the ideal moisturiser that is suitable for your skin type.
  2. Primer Primer is important as it helps keep your makeup stay on all day and appear fresh without the need to reapply.
  3. Shade Choose the right shade of foundation to avoid looking like a clown. Pick something that matches your skin tone.
  4. Bronzer Bronzer is super essential, especially for contouring your face (and even your cleavage to make your breasts look bigger!). Also, a bronzer can give you a glow.
  5. Blush Pick the right shade of blush that matches your skin tone if you’re going for a natural look. You can go a little wild with a brighter shade.
  6. Lipstick Lipsticks are great as they come in various colours. Be adventurous and buy a few different shades for different occasions. Lipsticks can highlight the fullness of your lips, and an Elianto lipstick can do the trick.
  7. Lip liner If you’re using lipsticks, you’re going to need a lip liner to prevent your lipstick from bleeding and also to keep it on.Image result for Lip liner If you’re using lipsticks, you’re going to need a lip liner to prevent your lipstick from bleeding and also to keep it on.
  8. Mascara Mascara is a lifesaver if you have thin eyelashes, and need to brighten up your eyes. Good mascara should be able to thicken and darken your eyelashes without irritating your eyes or needing to be reapplied.
  9. Eyeliner To make your eyes pop by adding the cat eye or Cleopatra look, eyeliner is a must-have item. There are so many eyeliner tricks that you can experiment with your eyeliner.
  10. Finishing powder Once you’ve applied everything on your face, it’s time to apply some finishing powder on your face to keep your makeup intact. A finishing powder also helps to brighten up your face.

If you’re the less fussy type, or have no time browsing through and getting all the different makeup products, you can also try buying a makeup starter kit. These starter kits are sold at major beauty stores and come in different packages and price range. Depending on your personal needs and budget, these kits can either be purchased online or offline.